Cricket fans across India must be super excited with the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 nearing its start. To ensure that most fans don’t miss out on the frenzied live action, G’Five has recently launched its Telly series which includes 6 new mobile phones. These range of ‘TV phones’ including G288, G800, G602, G269i, G279 and G33 are claimed to be the first of their kind released for Indian consumers.
This Telly series comprises of 6 handset models that come with free-to-air analog TV capability. All these dual-SIM devices will use Doordarshan’s terrestrial analog technology to air all Indian team matches besides quarterfinals, semifinals and the final. Amongst the 6 mobile phones G’Five variants G288 and G800 come in bar form with multimedia options like video player in MP4 and 3GP formats, music player, song changer and more. These phones include basic features like wireless FM radio player and recorder, torch light and call recording with a 4GB expandable microSD card slot. The G800 along with a physical keypad also sports a touchscreen display.
The G’Five G602 model is flip phone that has dual TFT display wherein the external TFT display is touchscreen. It encompasses a rear as well as a front facing digital camera for photography enthusiasts. The device’s internal memory can also be extended by up to 4GB and it comes equipped with music player, video player and recorder, wireless FM player and recorder and SNS integration.
“The purpose is to empower our consumer to enjoy the complete multimedia experience. A consumer can watch free to air Analogue channels of Doordarshan. As Cricket World Cup is just round the corner and usually Dordarshan telecast all national matches, our Consumer can watch his World Cup on his G’Five Mobile. Realizing the demand for such ‘TV phones’ in Indian market, we have introduced the largest range in every possible form factor like bar, flip, QWERTY and touch-screen handsets – thereby offering the widest choice in the category to the users. In a cricket crazy country like ours where people prefer to have ball-by-ball update of the score on the go, handsets that can show the match live would find immense acceptance,” shared Arshit Pathak, Managing Director, Kingtech Electronics India Private.
G’Five’s G269i and G279 mobile phones exhibit full physical QWERTY keypads. These handsets are also equipped with dual digital flash-enabled cameras. Other basic features that come packed with these devices are motion sensor, phonebook backup, song changer, USB modem, call recording and social networking.
The last but definitely not the least in the list of 6 phones is the G’Five G33 touchscreen handset. It boasts of a 9cm display and 1100mAh battery. Users can enjoy numerous songs on the music player and wireless FM player and recorder. Its additional attributes include motion sensor, call recording, song changer, USB modem and 8GB expandable memory.
The G’Five G288 and G800 phones can be purchased at Rs. 2,899 and Rs. 2,999 respectively. The G269i model costs Rs. 3699 while the G602 and G33 variants come with a price tag of Rs. 5,599 and Rs. 4,999 respectively.
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